Are You Ready for a Career Change?

Career Change is Possible

Do Any of These Scenarios Sound Like You?

  • Scenario 1 - Unfulfilled Passion: You've spent years in a stable career, but you feel an undeniable pull towards a different field. Perhaps you’ve always had a passion for creative writing, but you’ve been working in finance. You want to make a living doing what you love and finally pursue a career that aligns with your creative talents and interests.

  • Scenario 2 - New Opportunities in Emerging Fields: The world is evolving, and so are the opportunities. You might have been working in traditional manufacturing for decades, but you see the rise of sustainable energy and feel compelled to be part of this innovative movement. You want to transition to a career that not only excites you but also contributes to a better future.

  • Scenario 3 - Desire for Greater Impact: You’ve built a successful career in marketing, but you find yourself wanting to make a more significant difference in people’s lives. Transitioning to a career in nonprofit management or social work allows you to use your skills to create positive social change and find deeper meaning in your work.

  • Scenario 4 - Life Changes and New Priorities: Major life events, such as starting a family or experiencing a personal health challenge, can shift your priorities. Your high-stress job in corporate law may no longer align with your desire for a balanced, family-oriented lifestyle. You seek a career in education or community work that offers more flexibility and aligns with your new values.

  • Scenario 5 - Burnout and Desire for Wellness: After years of climbing the corporate ladder, you’ve reached a point of burnout. The long hours and constant pressure have taken a toll on your well-being. You decide to pursue a career in wellness coaching or holistic health, where you can help others achieve balance and well-being while enjoying a healthier, more fulfilling life yourself.

When "you" are no longer able to change a situation

"You" are challenged to change "yourself".

Viktor E. Frankl

Before Career Coaching

  • Feeling trapped in a job without fulfillment. You’re unhappy in your current career and feel like you’re wasting your potential, but you don’t know how to change that.

  • Lack of clarity about strengths and passions. You’re unsure what your real talents are or how to align them with a career that excites you.

  • Undefined values and goals causing you to feel adrift, working without a clear sense of what truly matters to you or where you’re headed

  • The idea of switching careers feels overwhelming and chaotic. You’re unsure of the steps to take or how to begin and have no clear transition plan

  • Low confidence, self-doubt and fear hold you back from even exploring new opportunities, leaving you stuck in your current role

  • Difficulty showcasing transferable skills. You know you have valuable skills but struggle to communicate how they apply to a different industry or role

  • Mental blocks and limiting beliefs with thoughts like, "I’m too old," "It’s too late," or "I’m not good enough" plague your decision-making and keep you stuck

  • You’re trying to navigate this major life change alone, without someone to guide or motivate you through the ups and downs

  • Your current job feels like a dead end, with little opportunity for increased income or growth

After Career Coaching

  • You’re now thriving in a career that aligns with your strengths, values, and goals, bringing you both professional success and personal satisfaction.

  • Uncovered strengths and passions. You now have clarity about your unique talents and the careers that match your passions, giving you direction and purpose

  • Clear values and defined goals. You’ve identified what matters most to you and set clear,
    actionable career goals that are aligned with your core values.

  • A strategic transition plan with a step-by-step roadmap guiding you through every phase of your career change, helping you make informed, confident decisions

  • Boosted confidence to pursue new opportunities since you’re empowered to step out of your comfort zone, explore new roles, and trust in your ability to succeed in a new career.

  • Clear articulation of transferable skills. You can effectively showcase how your previous experience and skills add value to your new career, making you a standout candidate

  • You’ve moved past mental roadblocks and developed a growth mindset, no longer held back by fears or self-doubt.

  • You have regular check-ins, guidance, and a mentor to keep you motivated and on track, knowing you’re not doing this alone.

  • You're in a career that fulfills you while offering greater opportunities for growth and a higher income.

Client Testimonials

“My Biggest Supporter!"

Diane helped me with my career when I needed it the most. She helped me see my strengths and put them into words. My resume really reflects who I am and what I can do. She helped me see things in myself that I had not thought of before. She inspired me with her kind and generous help, but she also held me accountable. Diane gave me confidence and was my biggest supporter. I appreciate all that she has done for me.

(Laurie Marrone - SVP Operations)

“I Wholeheartedly Endorse Diane!“

Diane Belz is a remarkably skilled coach who played a pivotal role in refining my messaging as a leader. Through her astute guidance, I learned to articulate my team's strengths and my leadership triumphs amidst adversity more effectively. Diane's adeptness at posing essential questions enabled me to refocus and align my leadership narrative with organizational objectives. I wholeheartedly endorse Diane to anyone seeking to elevate their leadership storytelling abilities.

(Tonya Amankwatia, PhD - Assistant Vice Provost)