IDEAL Career Coaching

IDEAL Career Discovery Tool

Krista, my client, is a Career Challenger. Taking all the work she has done as a military wife and amazing mom to five wonderful children and transitioning into the workplace.

This video demonstrates how I work with my clients to design their IDEAL Career.

Keys to coaching are listening, asking questions, and allowing my client to discover what's important to them.

They Want, You Have

Krista has found a position that she is interested in applying to. In this session we compare her IDEAL job description against the position. What to think about when you apply:

  1. Am I qualified?

  2. Do I have "proof" that I can perform?

  3. Ask yourself, why am I interested? What stands out for you?

  4. Will this role allow me to be successful and satisfied?

  5. Can I build my career?

Sharing My Philosophy & Insights

The Baton Exchange Podcast with John Scroggins

I'm usually the interviewer, so this opportunity was a great experience to share my career and faith journey as well as offer practical career advice.

In this conversation, I share insights on how to approach career transitions and workplace challenges with a strong faith. I recommend the importance of listening to God's Word, trusting in His plan and purpose, and prioritizing one's relationship with Him in the workplace.

John and I also discuss the need to cultivate good habits, pay attention to physical well-being, and practice gratitude during times of change. Remembering during the tough times the value of approaching work from a faith-based perspective and seeking to glorify God in all aspects of work.

Sell Yourself Like an Infomercial - Change Your Story, Change Your Life

When you have a problem it's best to follow the advice of an expert. Most of my career clients get stuck in a story of what they can't do, forgetting all of their successes.

Through a process I develop watching infomercials, I was able to help them get unstuck, see their successes, and transform their career. This process helps in developing resumes, interviewing, and designing your IDEAL career.

I had the pleasure of interviewing with Kevin Harrington - the inventor of the infomercial. What a great experience to share how his success has led to my clients' successes.

Maintaining Mental Health During a Career Transition

Recommendations to bolster mental health during the stress of a career transition.

  • Craft the ultimate job description that seamlessly aligns with both your present ambitions and your vision for the future.

  • Embrace a spirit of service, making a difference through community involvement and enriching the lives of others.

  • Choose an attitude of gratitude over a habit of grievance.

  • Deepen your connection with your Creator. He has a plan for you.

  • Seize each moment of adversity as a chance to expand and transform.

When To Know It's Time for a Career/Job Change

If you're not Growing, Glowing, or Glorifying God in your current role

  • Growing - Learning new things, doing hard things, dealing with difficult boss or co - workers, being challenged in some way.

  • Glowing - Success in your results and the work that you're doing by using your gifts talents and strengths.

  • Glorifying God - Is your light shining and pointing to Him? Simple acts of kindness in the workplace, praying for your leaders and co-workers.

I Believe These Essentials About Careers:

  • We're ALL created for a purpose by our Creator and that includes your Career.

  • He's given you the talents, skills, gifts, expertise, experience and passion to live out His plan and purpose for your life.

  • He wants you to live in Freedom, and that includes Freedom in your careers.

  • Career Freedom is found when you use all that He's given you to make a positive impact in the world.

  • God loves you and wants your work to be source of joy, fulfillment, and passion.

  • Career Freedom is possible! And He wants you to be FREE!

What Diane's Know For:

  • Accepting people where they are.

  • Seeing the best in people even when they don't.

  • Helping others uncover and discover their strengths.

  • Simplifying complex career questions to make learning, growing, and doing easier.

  • Listening and then saying what needs to be said in love.

  • Sharing stories to open perspective and shift thinking.

  • Investing in others lives so they can be all God created them to be.