Find Your Career Freedom

My Why - My Purpose - God's Plan

Over 20 years ago I wrote this mission statement that I've worked to live out every day through my coaching, leading, writing, podcasting, and teaching.

To inspire, motivate and encourage God's children to be ALL that He created them to be.

Our current workplace is filled with languishing, hopeless, and disengaged employees. These feelings are pervasive issues silently eroding the workforce, leading to diminished productivity and job satisfaction and crushing the heart, mind, and soul of God's children.

My coaching programs are designed to set those stuck, struggling, or suffering in their career to find and live in career freedom.

Trusting God's Plan

Three years after losing my husband, Joe, of 43 years, I heard God calling me to Florida. For some, Florida is paradise. For me, who hates the heat, humidity, and sweating, I thought I heard Him wrong!

Trusting God had a plan for my life, I sold my house, left my children, grandchildren, siblings, and friends, and moved 1,100 miles away to a place where I knew no one.

God knew what I needed: a fresh start and time to heal my heart, mind, and soul from grief and to find my way back to Him.

Beach walks ground me as I'm surrounded by blue skies, amazing clouds, gentle breezes, and the beauty of the Gulf of Mexico. And I learned the best way to beat the humidity, frizzy hair, and intense sun— HATS!

What I found is freedom, friendships, a strengthened faith, and a desire to keep doing my life God's way: His Will, His timing. And part of His will for me is to help His children be all that He created them to be. For me, a big part of that "being" is careers.

With over 30 years focused on careers, from my start in Human Resources after graduating college to leaving my corporate career as an Executive Vice President, I transitioned to Career Coaching and Leadership Training and Development.

I am blessed to continue to lead, coach, teach, and mentor. My mission is to help my clients and students be successful, love their jobs, and have their jobs love them back!

My Loves

I am truly blessed with the people God has placed in my life. Two I lost too early: my husband Joe and our daughter Jessica.

I have two handsome sons, a beautiful daughter-in-law, and two granddaughters who stole my heart the moment I held them in my arms.

Though I can't talk to my heavenly family, I stay in close contact with my earthly family and love the sound of the phone letting me know my grands want to FaceTime with me.

The work I do is to glorify God and show my loved ones the amazing grace He has given me that keeps me moving forward. They are my cheering section and support that helps me to be all that God has created me to be.

What Else I Love!

Stories! I love to hear stories: love stories, sad stories, encouraging and inspirational stories. I enjoy reading books, watching movies (especially true-life ones), and writing stories as well. Stories are a way to connect with one another and see that we have more in common than we think.

The blessing of coaching is that I get to hear incredible stories from my clients, my podcast guests, and those I meet in my church ministries. They often think their stories are "no big deal." I get to draw those stories out and let them see their power and purpose.

What's your story? I would love to hear it!

Beach walks! It sounds so cliche' but beach walks ground me while surrounding me with God's glory in His creation. Each day is a gift and I want to make sure I make the most of each of them.

What do you love? What grounds you?

I Believe These Essentials About Careers:

  • We're ALL created for a purpose by our Creator and that includes your Career.

  • He's given you the talents, skills, gifts, expertise, experience and passion to live out His plan and purpose for your life.

  • He wants you to live in Freedom, and that includes Freedom in your careers.

  • Career Freedom is found when you use all that He's given you to make a positive impact in the world.

  • God loves you and wants your work to be source of joy, fulfillment, and passion.

  • Career Freedom is possible! And He wants you to be FREE!

What Diane's Know For:

  • Accepting people where they are.

  • Seeing the best in people even when they don't.

  • Helping others uncover and discover their strengths.

  • Simplifying complex career questions to make learning, growing, and doing easier.

  • Listening and then saying what needs to be said in love.

  • Sharing stories to open perspective and shift thinking.

  • Investing in others lives so they can be all God created them to be.